28 September 2010

Breath In/Breath Out (Not that Simple)

I've been really fascinated with the power of our breath recently. Practicing various mediation, relaxation and regenerative techniques have brought a new found awareness to my breath.

The Big Deal: Thoracic vs. Diaphragmatic

Thoracic breathing are shallow CHEST breaths (remember the thorax in an ant?). This kind of breathing can lead to not enough oxygen, tension in shoulders and neck and anxiety. Turns out your chronically chilly hands and feet might not be due to "bad circulation," but rather to incorrect breathing. Oops!

Diaphragmatic breathing are deep, slow breaths that mostly center in the abdomen. That's why singing is all about the diaphragm, how else are you supposed to belt out those high notes and not pass out? Training yourself to breath this way can be difficult, and requires an awareness of your body. Complete inhalation and exhalation is crucial, and most importantly, during the inhale don't tighten your abs, but rather let that BUDDAH BELLY hang out with pride! Let it fill up with air, then smooothly exhale through your nose or mouth. Now that's a breath!

 Get in touch with your natural Ebb & Flow!

Want to Know More? Check out these!
Web: http://www.pe2000.com/breathe_diaphragm.htm
Print: Make Health Happen: Training Yourself to Create Wellness (2nd Edition)

Sarah Valentine

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